The Mijibrand stands for the high quality and technology applied in all Miji products, environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and premium services for all clients.


The Miji Design brand features products that are joyful, valuable, prestigious and iconic with the art technology included from Germany and smartly adapted to Chinese customers’ needs.

Premium, valuable, iconic


The Miji Home brand presents the best in design at an affordable price. These products are created to be emotive and sensual, fun and creative, dynamic and contemporary in style and function.

Inspiring, joyful, dynamic


The Miji Pro brand expresses the finest in large-scale and professional kitchen appliances. All the products are highly professional, reliable, systematic, practical, solid and strong.

Professional, reliable, systematic


MKY is a member of the Mijigroup which stands for Miji Great Art Kitchen Lifestyle solution. MKY combines Miji, triumph and art and unites Miji Design, Miji Home and Miji Pro to provide a systematic and artistic kitchen solution. MKY cooperates with kitchen and cooking professionals as Rempp.

Modern, artistic, exquisite

Premium, valuable, iconic

Inspiring, joyful, dynamic

Professional, reliable, systematic

Modern, artistic, exquisite